Friday, April 26, 2013



Friend.  It’s a word spoken casually.  I’m guilty of it too.  However, there is a certain inflection used when referencing those special friends.  You know, the ones who have been by your side since before you can remember.  There are pictures of the two of you in diapers. You literally celebrated your first birthdays together.  Or how about those friends who adored you although you wore uniform polo shirts tucked into your not-so stylish high-water khakis.  They smiled back at you with a mouth full of braces and the two of you looked forward to “Christian T-Shirt Friday” when you could really show off your fashion sense.  Then there are the friends you are blessed to find later in life.  The unexpected ones that you discover in a college classroom or maybe a moms group.   The ones that are there at the right time…right when you need them and they need you.  You exchange a few words and you just know.  There is a kindred connection.

I have been beyond blessed to have all of the above scenarios play out.  My dad used to say most people can only count their true friends on one hand.  I think he has it half right.  Sure, there are seasons when I cannot be connected with each woman who has held a special place in my life.  But, our past experiences bond us together and I will forever know them as “friend”.  Because time cannot erase Summer fun, family vacations, sleepovers, first boyfriends, first break-ups, high school graduation, college shenanigans, weddings, and babies.  I just think of the time and I’m right back in that place.  Friend.  

Saturday, January 26, 2013

What Birthdays Mean to Moms

I vaguely remember posting something three months ago that said I was going to consistently blog for 31 days while "discovering my purpose".  Well, that didn't happen and I feel like my posts are starting to become a series of excuses.  However, I have discovered a lot about my purpose over the last few months.  I am learning there are times when you have to set the "to-do list" aside and just be in the moment. There are also times you have to say no so that you can say yes to the things that are most important. That's hard for me, and I'm sure it will be a lesson I have to learn my whole life over.  So the challenge to myself is not so much to check a blog post of my list but to live in the moments that are blog-worthy.

Today was a blog-worthy day. We celebrated Max's first birthday and I realized something as I watched him devour his cupcake and be happily passed from one loved one to the next...birthdays are special for moms.  That seems so obvious and simple but before becoming a mom I never considered the emotions that go along with celebrating the birth of your child.   

We were lucky enough to have our friends Taylor and Christopher film the big day and we asked our guests to say what they thought Max would be when he grew up and what their favorite memory of Max was from his first year.  

I have lots of ideas for the first question.  The boy loves food and has a palate more refined than most adults I know.  A few months ago I watched him pick up a fist-full of goat cheese and shove it in his mouth and at that moment I felt certain he would be a food critic or a chef.  This notion was reaffirmed the time he ate curried chicken sandwiches as well as the time he ate gorgonzola cheese and started laughing hysterically like it was the best thing that had ever happened to him.  I've also considered he may carry on his Papa's legacy and be a musician of some sort.  From the time he found his voice he has loved to sing. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if his first words come through song.  Music has always calmed him down when he gets fussy.  He loves to dance and he loves "playing drums".  Plus, he just has that rock and roll hair. 

The second question is much harder to answer.  How can a mom pick just one moment?  Although, I've only had 365 days to spend with my baby boy, he has changed my life in a profound way.  Forever his birthdays will be so special to me and here are a few reasons why...

1.  He has challenged me to soak in each passing day.   I sit on the living room floor and just watch in amazement as he masters a new skill like opening his toy cell phone to have a very important conversation.    

2.  He has taught me to stop with him in front of the mirror to relish the smiles that come from self-discovery.

3.  He makes waking up at the crack of dawn exciting.  He greets each day with a toothy grin and the energy of a baby ready to unearth new things.

4.  He tells the best jokes without saying a word. I love his sense of humor already and can't wait to watch it unfold.

5.  Sometimes I feel guilty that his furry brother (our dog Brownie) doesn't get enough attention.  Somehow Max senses it and takes the time to lay his head on Brownie every now and then.  

6. I love his compassion and they way he encourages you without saying a word.  When "Dee Dee" was in the hospital, he watched her take her first trip down the hall and clapped and cheered her on with each step.

7.   Somehow he possesses the wisdom to know that one of the greatest joys of a great grandmother is holding the new generation in her arms.  Max can sit on Nana's lap for an hour and put the "wriggle worm" in him aside.  All that for the sake of giving out smiles.

8.  When his girlfriend (this status not up for debate) Addison,  cried, he cried with her.

9.  Sharing is caring and Max is always eager to share a puff or cheerio with a friend.

10.  He mimics our laughter in the midst of conversations.  I hope he carries that one with him.  Something tells me he will.